The second week of the World First Premiership and Challenge Cup did not start off on a bright note with the scheduled live streamed game between Wanderers and the World First Lions on Friday night being rescheduled due to rain. There were no such problems on Saturday though, as the remainder of the World First Premiership games went ahead as scheduled. 

Photo Credit: https:AdrielcPhotography

On the lush Padang, the SCC 1st XV held off a very spirited performance by Bucks to come away 13 – 5. The game was a tight contest with former Irish International Neil Best making some foraging runs off the base of the scrum. The SCC scrum held well and it was the consistent play of James Robertson and Nick Passi in the forwards that laid the platform for the SCC win. 

At Turf City, Bedok Kings were looking to extract some measure of revenge over Saints RFC and they certainly brought out the big guns for this one. A splattering of National players past and present were on display from both sides, including the recently retired (from national duty) Jonathan Lee. Saints right off the bat were looking to be on a high from their win in Week 1, and scored first. It was however the rare times that Saints had the attacking platform as Bedok pounded them into submission. Jamil and Farhan Amran were in damaging form for Bedok and their surging runs and pace turned up the heat on the Saints. Nicholas Yau was specular once again at scrum half for the saints, but they were really not showing the same form as in week 1. Former National Player Daniel Thiam came on as an early replacement and he too was frustrated and harassed by the Kings defence. In the end, Kings came out 19 -10 victors after throwing their full array into the game.

Photo Credit: Seow Hong

Week 2 match of the week was rescheduled to tuesday night which saw three time League Premiership Champions Wanderers RFC matched up against the newly formed World First Lions.  Wanderers commandingly dominated the scrums in the first 30 minutes of the match with powerful showings from Alvin Ho, Matthew Humphries and David Gull. Due to a spirited defensive effort from the Lions,  the Wanderers failed to produce their first Try until the 30th minute of the Game.  Wanderers full back, Michael Patterson scored their first try from some good multiphase plays, while Spanish International 7’s player Jaike Carter showed his class to run through several defenders to score Wanderers second try before the Break. The second half saw a more settled approach from the Wanderers Team and they scored more frequently from the many defensive lapses presented by the Lions.  Stand out performances by Jack Pennell in the lineout, Benjamin Seddler in open play ensured Wanderers had the advantage in most contestable areas of the game. The World First Lions had a few players who showed that they are more than enough to match their opposite from the Wanderers Team.  Stand off Ge Liang looks very elusive for any backline to contain, Bronson Ro and Asraff Khan combined well out in the wide spaces where they turned the Wanderers inside out on more than one occasion. 

So as we head into week 3, Saints play Bucks in the World First match of the week and they will be determined to put up a better performance after week 2. Saints will want to prove a point and Bucks have improved week on week. On paper it does look that Bucks hold the advantage, but never count the underdog out. Wanderers will play SCC 1st XV on the Padang in a rematch of the pre season challenge final which SCC won in 2015. SCC have dominated the competition so far, and Wanderers are coming off some impressive wins as well. It will be the clash of the Titans with both unbeaten sides meeting each other. World First Lions will want to build on a positive outing against Wanderers and might surprise Bedok Kings. Kings will want to build on their win against saints, but surprises are always in store.

Week 3 Fixtures

World First Premiership
29nd Jan- Match of the Week
BUCKS 1XV                v   SAINTS                                CCAB                 7.30PM

30th Jan
SCC                              v   WANDERERS 1XV              PADANG           5PM   

World First Challenge Cup

30th Jan
OLDHAM                 v    SCC GROWLERS         TURF CITY B    1.30PM
GAULOIS                 v   BEDOK KINGS 2XV     TURF CITY B    3PM
WANDERERS 3XV v   SCC LIONS                     PADANG            1PM
SCC TANKARDS    v   WANDERERS 2XV        PADANG            3PM

SRU National Women’s League
30th Jan
NTU                        v      SKYLLAS               (SKYLLAS WALKOVER)
BLACKS                v      BUCKS                    TURF CITYA      3.45PM

Women’s Development League 
30th Jan
SKYLLAS 2             v      NTU/NUS               TURF CITY A     1.30PM
SKYLLAS 1             v      BLACKS 1              TURF CITY A     3.15PM