Singapore Government Confers the Public Service Star to LOW Teo Ping at 2011 National Day Celebrations

This is in recognition by the Singapore Government for his services towards sports in Singapore

Singapore, 10 August 2011 – One of Asia’s leading sports administrators, Mr. LOW Teo Ping, has been awarded the Public Service Star 2011 by the Singapore Government for his contribution towards the burgeoning sports scene in Singapore. This was announced in conjunction with Singapore’s 2011 National Day celebrations.

Low, 66, a retired banker is no stranger in the international sailing and local sports communities. A versatile leader, Low has been serving on the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) executive committee since 2004 as a Vice-President and is concurrently contributing to Singapore’s sports development as a board member at Singapore Sports Council, Vice-President at Singapore National Olympic Council, President at Singapore Rugby Union, Vice Commodore at the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club and President at Sentosa Golf Club, the venue of the prestigious Barclays Singapore Open. He is also an advisor to several local and regional sports organisations.

A national rugby player in his early days, Low also sailed competitively in the multi-hull and keelboats before taking the helm for more than 10 years at the Singapore Sailing Federation (Singapore Sailing) from 1998 to 2010.

As recognition of his contribution towards sports development and management in Singapore, Low was earlier awarded the prestigious “Sports Inspiration” Award 2003 by the Singapore Sports Council and in 2006 he was presented with the National Day Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (Public Service Medal) Award by the President of Singapore.

“Having spent most of my life being involved in sports as a participant, administrator, fan and father to two athletes, this is truly a very memorable moment for me. It has always been a worthwhile journey of service to the nation.

“I am very honoured to be conferred the Public Service Star 2011 award, and dedicate this award to my fellow sport administrators who are constantly championing sports, as well as the athletes who are always pushing beyond their boundaries- they are the true inspiration in sports,” said Low.

About the Public Service Star
The Bintang Bakti Masyarakat (Public Service Star), instituted in 1963, is awarded to any person who has rendered valuable public service to the people of Singapore, or who has distinguished themselves in the field of arts and letters, sports, the sciences, business, the professions and the labour movement. Bars may be issued for further service. 

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